...of, for & by the Brands that we were!

No part of the following post is intended to make sense!
However in the extreme case of the reader deriving logic, he/she would be best advised to join us in seeing a Mind Fuck specialist!

Inside a PeeEmJee Meet

Konduris: "Bhailog!, LavvarSandy meri nahin hai, mai tho shaadi shudha hoon!"
NG: "Are we gonna discuss anything else? i have places to go to!"
Chithh: "Yaar mujhe yeh bata, hum Gurcharan ko paise kyoon de?, itni tho kitaab bechke gaya hai woh"
TanD: "Mere hisaab se tho, dena chahiye!"
Bitch: "Guys, all these things can be taken up at Infinitum, lets dicuss something more relevent"
Esa: "ok, tell me why you made an apologetic call to the US?"
Kit: "Call tho maine bhi kiya tha...!, and there were no apologies at all...we were discussing Investment strategies for expected furture incomes!"
Vas: "If i continue to listen to all this, i will loose my high and die after 4:00am"
DKB: "Fruit tha, ee dala...Frooti ban gaya!"
VJ: "Pond hai, Eeeeh kar dal...Pondy ban jayega!"

the useful 'G' & the useless 'G'

If it ain't the Fire, it ain't any Fun!
Let me guarantee you, that you are not going to get the actual PUN intended here.

We can proudly claim bragging rights about now knowing NITIE, the best. The eternal axiom about how things moved slowly upstairs actually found its proof. The permission list required prior to our endeavor had points like, "Please get the toilets cleaned everyday", Please ensure uninterrupted water supply on all 3 days", "Please cut the grass in the lawns on Day-0 & please don't water the plants once Prerana begins", and the fact that this list had to be signed by 13 authorized signatories only puts the icing on this cake.
Everything regarding everything starts with a multiple push from upstairs and ends with a bribe ranging from petty cash to lots of tshirts!

G, Sirji...!

Sometimes people get really possessive about things they do and maybe given the time span of our effort that is justified in our case. The office space we ran, the events we did, the time lines we fix or maybe just the guests we bring along. Some of us just couldn't stand the non compliance and the bust up's and uproars probably only add to making the whole jig even more memorable.

Gyani Revisited: The 'How' of the Change!

"How many movies did you watch Down Town after coming here?"...that is one question you don't expect to hear from the ONE. But we did...

Three months after my full scale dressing down from the then most irrational being in the world,
my opinion about the man has taken a U-turn.
i can now safely say that he is not the over hyped skeptic he is made out to be. The revered confrontations at his office and other such instances often dwarf the realist in him. Yes all of this makes for good gossip and great memories but things wouldn't have happened the way they did if not for him. Of all the cynicism expressed in Chapter-2, he stands as the sole exception.
There can be a lot of argument and detailing that can go into justifying his case, but honestly being the privileged few who got to witness it, we would like to keep it all for ourselves!

So here goes, "Thank You, Sir!"

hugs, kisses and the Void...

we are done, we are done, we are soo done!,
...but we don't want to be here!

There are two types of P's at NITIE, one being the reason why you hit this URL, the other addressed in Chapter-5. Over the past 18 months we have come to fall in love with the former, while the latter awaits us seeking vendetta for not doing anything but the first P through our stay at this place.

Having done everything for our thing, we stare the walls with the void of not being able to anything now.

How we wish there was one more 'P' to do...but i guess we had our one shot....hope we delivered!

Columned Destiny & the Rise of the New Legion

We are what we are, no matter how hard we try, we remain exactly what we already are!
the free spirited mavericks, the nerdy acads centric morons or somewhere in between...
At this point in time when most of our future fortunes are frozen in our respective Top Right Hand columns, i am just wondering whether this crib about not being the guy with 'THAT' thing on the resume would bear fruit at all.

"You being you is the best you could be!"

With the propensity to compare at its all time high these days, i chose to compare not the resume which apparently is the topic in vogue, but the bearers of this edition of Prerana and guys who would told the torch in 2010.

But then, how can a college claim to be moving forward if every junior batch isn't better than their seniors'. For 15 years on the trot the tradition of making things better has held forte and i have no doubt in my mind that all of the Management Batch of 2011 in general and our beloved PMG16 in particular would keep the Prerana flag flying high in it's next Edition as well.

Thank you All for your contributions to Prerana 2009, without you, it wouldn't have been what it was & more importantly it wouldn't have been as much Fun!

P.S: This would be my last post at this Space, i hope i did succeed in giving you guys a pint of the fun, i had in bringing this to you!
