before the Final Shortlist...

10 Facts we didn't Know...!

1. The Annual Budget of Prerana is Rs.70k

2. You can keep half the money for yourself, if you are an Event Manager

3. The Last Samurai is the Annual Business Meet at Prerana

4. Prerana can be pulled off even without any Sponsorship

5. Your core competence can be outsourced to less capable individuals as you would be busy coordinating something else

6. People can take any amount of stress during an Interview as they can bitch about it in the Next one

7. The Biggest strength at one place is the fact that you are best suited for some place else

8. Performance levels weren't upto the mark at any Interview, coz i applied at too many places

9. I should make the cut, coz i was stood up by my girlfriend & ended up sleeping on the Road

10. I am a very assertive person, but i am not sure of my priorities as i chose to get brainwashed from different sources


Anonymous said...

Thats 10..where are the other 5 comments :)

RaJaT said...

let me tell you 1 i remember from last year:
This guy didnt want to join Prerana because he wanted to participate in Prerana Business Quiz. n i gave him the autograph of Derek O' Brein which i took in Prerana 2007 to make him happy n told him dat if he would be in prerana team, he would get to meet the Quiz Master personally :)
That guy was none other than VIJAY who posted this article :P

Anonymous said...

haha.. nice one rajat... seems all of u enjoyed this process :)