Gyani Kaun...? (The Daily Routine...)

Time: 3:00 p.m
GAP analysis is being discussed at full throttle, a guy sitting in the corner seat seems totally disinterested, as he recoups from the 'Lack of Slumber', every time the class yells GAP, the guy is petrified about line spacing or the lack of it in the doc he was working on through the previous night.

Time: 4:00 p.m
The class ends, the guy walks towards Gyani's office to face his demons. He is welcomed by the typical grin of the office staff who always say, "Sir tho abhi busy hai!", on further enquiry he finds out that Gyani today is preoccupied by the task of having to sign 160 documents by hand (why couldn't he get one of those customized signature stamps, the guy wondered!)

Time: 5:00 p.m
The signature marathon didn't show any signs of ending any soon, the office staff in the mean time had shipped in 2 rounds of chocolate chip cookies & 3 rounds of lemon tea.

Time: 5:45 p.m
A dignitary from a top consulting firm comes to visit Gyani, who by that point was done with his signatures & had decided to take out his stress on the media relations team with trade mark rhetorics like, "what is your role?", "Who told you that?" (which happens to be the title phrase of this blog...coincidence?)

Time: 6:00 p.m
The meeting with the dignitary begins with a round of cream biscuits & coffee, our guy in the mean time calculates that the turnaround time for every packet of biscuits that goes in to be around 12 minutes!

Time: 6:13 p.m
The dignitary walks out with a sarcastic smile on his face and a customary Thank You Sir!, our guy now proceeds tentatively to the Devil's playground, at the entrance he is greeted by Gyani himself who asks him to wait for while. 

Time: 6:20 p.m
Gyani yells at his office staff, "Usko andar bhej do", the guy now tells himself, "it's time!"
Gyani puts on his best smile to greet the guy (such profound sarcasm, the Guys thinks!)

Gyani: tho kya socha? (And offers a biscuit left from the meeting with the Dignitary)
Guy: Sir we have rephrased the issue into five different forms, please take a look.
Gyani: What is this? (pointing to a french term, which by non Gyani standards is commonly understood)
Guy: Sir, Open Markets. The term historically has been used to champion the cause of a Pro-Capitalist Attitude.
Gyani: ohh...very complicated...change it.
Guy: Sir but it best represents the idea we are trying to put forward.
Gyani: OK....whats Enigma? don't give me your meaning...Give me dictionary meaning. (refering to another word)
Guy: Sir, something which cannot be satisfactorily explained.
Gyani: So you are refering to the whole Globe here or the Indian Scenario? (conscious change of topic!)
Guy: Our key area of focus remains the steps that can be taken in India, but i am sure our speakers depending on their background would be inclined to bring a global perspective as well
Gyani: How can you refer to the Indian scenario alone?...everthing is interlated...the whole world is strongly connected!
Guy: but that would make the topic very vague Sir.
Gyani (Who by now has entered, Gyan mode full on): See if a plane crashes there are soo many people from numerous countries who die, the air hostess are all from different countries, British Airways has Indian air you know that?
Guy (Who was stunned & was still unable to get the correlation!): ohh...
Gyani: Obama is doing soo much, and we are doing soo much, ultimately it will all benefit the get my point or not?
Guy (Who by now, gave up on all worldly emotions!): Yes Sir...
Gyani: i think it's all complicated, we should find a way to simplify it, about it.
Guy: Sir the phrase is very niche and would create a good first impression, the target group would generally be well versed with all the words that have been used.
Gyani: i get your point, but there is a lot of complication about it.
Guy: Sir, could you please take a look at this write up on the phrase, this would be included in the first Point of contact, i believe it will help in clearing out all complications.
Gyani (After 3 seconds of cold stare at the write up): You've done a good job about it, my policy is to convince or confuse people about it, and the end of the day i have to train naa...
Guy: Hmm...yes sir...would you like to take a look at some of my research material?
Gyani: No need!, i want you to look at it again and comeback tomorrow, we will discuss.
Guy: Sir, are you looking for something else?
Gyani: No, i want you to look at it and comeback tomorrow.
Guy (Startled!): O.K sir...

Time: 6:55 p.m
Just as the guy thinks we are done for the day...
Gyani: See it's important to look at things closely, Pranab Mukherjee is not a fool..."@#$%"....

Time: 7:15 p.m
things started getting hazy for the guy who recollects words such as BJP, privatization, fools, economy, budget, Old Man from the above marathon...
Gyani: they are doing it wrong, all wrong!
Guy: Sir, it's been a policy of looking for Strong concensus to implement Weak reforms!
The guy regretted that statement the moment it left his mouth...!
Gyani: Yes, left will walk left ...right will walk right...."@#$%"....

Time: 7:30 p.m
Hazy again...the guy could recollect only fools, process, govt employee, HSBC, salary from the marathon this time...
Gyani: you all should sit down and do about it? should sit and analyze the Budget and discuss consequences and submit a that you can grow.
Guy (In a trance...): yes sir...
Gyani: if i give you the topic and put you on stage, you will not stand there like a fool will do your research that only...
Guy: yes sir...
Gyani (Who was now tired and was prolly looking for his first course in Dinner): O.K then, you've done a good job...come back tomorrow, whatever you decide we will go with it.
Guy: o.k sir...thank you Sir!

Time: 7:48 p.m
the guys walks out in relief and throws the biscuit to the bin....
Survived Minutes Count: 88, the guy shrugs off!

Time: 8:45 p.m
the guy reaches his dorm and starts his version of the story...
he decides to put a fake disclaimer and hopes that his target audience would never catch the bluff!
with a few addons & and a few exaggerations, the guy completes his story in third person.
Guy: "if you dont understand the stuff above, ask you neighbour, if he doesn't know, wait for the next post!"

Time: 9:38 p.m
the guy hits, "Publish Post!"

Disclaimer: The content above is a figment of the author's imagination and does not intend to give a sneak peek into the boring part of the dialy routine of a PMG member!


Mandeep said...

Cant stop laughing...Welcome to the club dude...we have had zillions of such meetings...wait till u meet the diro...enjoy!!!

RaJaT said...

yaar... isme "about it" thoda kam tha.. LMAO... pundu ki yaad gayi :))

Vasu said...

I too have had quite a few experiences of this sort. My maximum survival limit is more than 100 mins :)
You can do nothing about it...

P.S: The 'about it' in the last sentence is a genuine usage and not intended to mock at someone :P

Dev said...

LOL.... Man this was good stuff you got going on the blog... you need to do something "about it" to make it a a more regular affair....


Plz NOTE: Good that you were alone... if you go with someone "never ever look at each other"

Unknown said...

maaaan.. i havent laughed soo hard in a loooong while..
tho u watered down all the gyan about it.
good fun it used to be..