Random Pings for Mr.X...

The ever cherubic, omnipresent Mr.X always had his own way with words. He always made sure that his opinion got through to the concerned party at any cost (Costs which had no bounds on either side). Food quality, Lack of water, excess of Rain, class timings, cell phone signal, internet problems, placements & it's behind the scene activities...Mr.X was always there, giving his erudite commentary on anything and everything that was worth commenting on.

A rebel, a nerd, a psycho, a genius...there are probably a large number of adjectives that can be used to describe Mr.X.

Scoring a B on average in all his papers, Mr.X has probably redefined the way employers perceive grades at his institute.

The astounding numbers on the top-right column of his resume are not a fair reflection of the true persona of Mr.X.

600 watts of music with a weird playlist at 3 am, climbing the roof top to see the sunrise at 5, entering the class just before the attendance is taken, verbal brawls with the Profs, boozing till everyone else dropped, going on Midnight treks & bitching about the whole wide world...Mr.X has seen, admired & done it all.

Even with his enviable appetite for adventure & his rebellious attitude towards every established rule, I wouldn’t classify Mr.X as the ideal being.

Before I proceed any further, let me stop at ‘I’...

“Dude, I think you should use ‘I’ instead of ‘we’ in your writings”...he once said.

Team spirit or the lack of it...I wondered!

For the many lucid comments he has made over the past 12 months, there is very little he can show for, in terms of bringing change!

Mr.X and his institute have created a hierarchy which for all its layers, in most cases ends up pointing fingers at its various nodes.

A body of individuals assigned to take care of a function, a body responsible for compliance of all other bodies which in return reports to an individual who has lieutenants responsible for various other functions, functions which are generally bitched on unanimously through instruments of mass communication, blame for which is never really accepted by the lieutenants, the individual, the body or the bodies! (Read again...Slowly!)

Mr.X has always been a strong advocate of change, of the right way of life...but he has hardly ever succeeded in making things happen on the ground...at least not in the past 12 months!

Mr.X through his many incarnations has always and will always be the first person to claim glory as his own, and will always be the first person to shield himself of all blame using the many layers of his Institute’s hierarchy.

There is no guarantee that Mr.X would stop wasting food, keep his taps closed, stop his downloads or for that matter stop cheating in his exams! The least he could do is stop making unnecessary fuss about everything and do things right & thus contribute in his own small way!

The fact remains that change or the lack of it won’t really affect Mr.X’s prospects in the near future, for all his concern for everything he believes is wrong, he remains quietly confident about his future. (God bless the top-right hand column!)

Here are a few memorable moments from my interaction with Mr.X...

1. “Dude, your blog on the website is awesome man!”

2. “Dude, your website on the blog is awesome man!”

3. “That was so hilarious man, who the hell is Gyani?”

4. “Arey can we have Beyonce at Decibelz; she was in Mumbai last year naa!”

5. “Call Harsha Bhogle man, I heard he does quizzes in Mumbai for Free!”

6. “Last time I went home dude...this time I will at least attend the Prerana Party...Pakka dude!”

7. “WTF man, you guys said Unlimited Booze, they shut shop after my 11th peg!”

8. “Arey I couldn’t get a weekend project anywhere man; could you get me a shortlist at one of your events?”

9. “Let’s discuss the funds you have brought for your event...in a Batch Meet!”

10. “Let’s change everything naa, the mess, the Hostel, the internet...but you go and talk naa...I have to study for the midterm!”

P.S: If it isn’t already clear enough, the easiest way to find a piece of Mr.X is to peep into the Mirror!

“The one in the room or the bathroom?”, Mr.X would ask!

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