Up against the torrid 'T' wave...

August has been a defining period as far as direction for this edition of Prerana is concerned. We, the self proclaimed, outspoken outlaws-shrewd dealmakers-invisible bandits, have been firmly grounded by the harsh realities of the turmoil all around!

And what grounding it has been, my favourite subject Divya Kumar Bhadani, has limited his status messages to monosyllables, to vent out his anxiety on sponsorship & pangs of interminent sexual frustration! Sanchit claims to have tested -ve for C2H5OH, Tanay our beloved DesiPondy, has limited his partying spree to 'Brunches' & 'Girls Night Out' of souls from other committees within NITIE.

Though still quietly confident of executing our endevour, we now know for sure that by the end of it all, for what it's going to take, we would all be a changed set of individuals. Value addition isn't the 4 lines we get to write in our resumes but some place more important i guess! 

Anyways here is what i set to write...

1. 'T'orment-In the line of Fire!

A First Person report by Vasu:

"For the lucky few who get to interact with the ‘Gyani’ on a regular basis, this is no battle. This is just another walk of life. For the benefit of those who don’t get to interact with Gyani that very often, here is a first person account of what it takes to be in the battle field, to receive bullets in the chest, and yet walk out unscathed!

The battle in discussion is not a battle in a strict sense. It is more one sided, like dragon handling. The dragon keeps breathing fire at unpredictable random intervals. All you get to do is navigate tactically not getting burnt and navigate carefully not instigating the dragon further. As our regular dragon handler Mr. ARSK is busy in is native, the gultland, this task was outsourced to two other less fortunate gentlemen – the poster kid and the quiz kid. We did navigate our path with minimum damage, at least we think so. I forgot to mention today’s battle had spectators too – the IMPRESSive guys.

Today it was the second case of a broken arrow which unfortunately reached Gyani. As we were not supposed to elicit the case of broken arrow, me and the quiz kid, in consultation with Mr. PBM, created a hypothetical issue for discussion hoping that the broken arrow would crop up in the conversation by itself. The irony being both the broken arrow and the hypothetical issue got lost in the firing session, read conversation, which ensued! Our corporate communications head had gone ahead with PR activities without Gyani’s approval. And as Gyani is omniscient about NeeTee, he obviously got to know about this. What ensued was, for outsiders – carnage, for insiders – nothing guys, just usual stuff!

We follow a strict code of decorum with our ruler. Whatever happens inside those four walls of his regal bastion remains inside only. As long as he doesn’t discuss that in public, we also won’t! Therefore, my hands are tied from typing what actually transpired inside. But I can say this much, majority of what happened can be classified as ‘classified’. My stamina was not under scrutiny today as the conversion, by the accepted standards, ended soon and I had deserted the quiz kid during the last round. As they say, all is well that ends with minimum damage. So things are fine… at least until the next battle."

2. 'T'urbulence - Economy!

"Sorry can't take your calls now!"

"Our director has sanctioned 3 Lakhs for your event, but the HR who was supposed to be the Jury has been fired as a part of our restructuring, so we are sorry to regret your association!"

"These things take time, you have no understanding of corporate India!"

"We have made a policy decision to cut down!"

"Dont you have a Robotics event at your Festival?, sorry what is NITIE?"

3. 'T'ravel - Commitments of corporate India!

Dear Vijay
Thank you for your invite for Prerana business meet on 5 Nov 09.
We regret to inform you that Ms. Naina L Kidwai will not be able to accept the invite as she is scheduled to travel at that time and will be out of the country on the date mentioned.
We hope to associate with your institute for future initiatives and wish you success in your current endeavor.
Koninika MITRA 

Dear Mr Garimella,
Thank you for inviting Mr Ghosh to be the honorary guest and keynote speaker at the NITIE Annual Business Conclave in Mumbai.  
However, Mr Ghosh has a prior overseas travel commitment that week and has to regret the invite.  He wishes you and the organizers a successful evening!
Best regards,

Dear Vijay,
Thank you for your message to our Chairman, Mr. KV Kamath on the above.  We would like to inform you that owing to Mr. Kamath's overseas travel commitments on Nov.5, he regrets his inability to attend the Prerana Business Meet 2009 on that day. Mr. Kamath however takes this opportunity to wish the event all success.
Best wishes,
Elizabeth Pereira

Dear Vijay,
Mr. Kotak has thanked you for the invitation to be an Honorary Guest and Keynote Speaker at the Prerana Business Meet 2009.  Unfortunately he is scheduled to travel overseas at that time and hence has conveyed his inability to attend.  He would, however, like to wish the function all success.
Thanks and best regards,
Cynthia Menezes

Dear Vijay,
Thanks for your message.
Mr. Murthy is grateful to you for your kind invitation.  Unfortunately, he will be travelling in Europe and Malaysia that period.  Hence, he has requested that he may kindly be excused.
Mr. Murthy sends, herewith, his best wishes on this occasion.

4. 'T' - This is the part where random fart sets in!

Why the heck am i not allowed to a use an Auto-Sniper as 'T'errorist in Counter Strike!
Clans Respond...?
Why on Earth does every 'T'ata company bother replying in writing to the Director even if they have to say No!
Why do all the guys in PMG-16, have to be present to get his holyness 'T'anay into a meeting!

Anyways, moving on, for what it takes, i would like to put on record, our heartfealt appreciation for the organizing teams of Litmus & Envision for their success.

Outlaws & Bandits are a bit too fancy a Title to let go so easy...so is PMG...WHATEVER IT TAKES!

Remember, Remember, the Fifth of November!


Quicksilver said...

When the going get "T"ough, the tough get going.
We got your back boys !
Go get 'em

Anonymous said...

if the omnipresent gyaani...makes his presence felt on ur blog...it will be good fun too :P