The Last Samurai: Do you have it in You?

Prize Money: Rs 30,000 - The Last Samurai takes it All!

  • A single A4-Page CV with a formal Photograph (Format .doc Only)
  • A filled copy of the questionnaire within the word limit as indicated against each question (Questions mentioned below) (Format .doc Only)
  • A Video (Time Limit: 60 Seconds, Resolution: 640*480), answering the question, “Why do think you can be The Last Samurai”


All three attachments should be mailed before the deadline to
  • Format of the CV file name: TLS_CV_{participant name}_{Institute Name}.doc
  • Format of the Answer Sheet: TLS_Ans_{participant name}_{Institute Name}.doc
  • Format of the Video file name: TLS_Vid_{participant name}_{Institute Name}
Format for the Subject of the Mail: TLS_{participant name}_{Institute Name}

Deadline: 22nd October 2009 (23:59:59 Hrs)

The Last Samurai is not the Nobel Peace Prize; Make us Laugh or Dazzle Us!

1. Why did Rahul Gandhi stand UP to Edward de Bono?
(Limit: 20 words)

2. One-Liner for Indian B-school Grads learning Chinese?

3. When we are done fighting for OIL, what would the next fight be for? (Limit: 100 words)

4. Grassroots reforms in India, 5 things you promise to do in your daily life? (Limit: 5 lines)

5. 10 years down the line, Justify your presence in Djibouti?
(Limit: 100 words)

6. Imagine and pen down a conversation between Socrates, Serena and Shakespeare.
(Limit: 10 Lines, 4 Lines MAX for either of the protagonists)

7. The Vocab grind, “Define the foreign policy with Pakistan”, the number of times we hit the dictionary would be the number of points you score! (Limit: 50 words)

8. Play kleptomaniac, steal 5 things that can change the course of the
world? (Limit: 5 things Only :P)

Note: Please curtail the urge to answer ‘Every Question’ with mediocre answers.

Contact: Vijay - 9769021465

1 comment:

Golu said...

Awesome Guys !!!
Nice questionnaire...
Video Clip idea is really good...
Gr8 work :-)